Tuesday, November 10, 2009


About once a week our ward has a playgroup. It is really for the moms that have kids that can play together, but I go anyway. It gives me a chance to get out of the house and talk to the other moms in the ward. Last week I got to choose what park to go to. I chose Lakewood park which is close to our apartment and very pretty. It also has little swings, which is basically the only thing that Liam can do at a park. He really like the swings and I have a fun time pushing him. The last few weeks have been beautiful here in Dallas and I am always glad when Liam and I get to spend time outside.


Anna W said...

So my sister and I are looking at these pictures and dying of HOLY CRAP THAT'S CUTE!

I miss you.

Parkinson Family said...

fun! playgroups are awesome! how great that your ward has one!