Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We are in love...

With our little Landon! He is so great.Like a normal newborn his basic needs are sleeping, eating and pooping. And he is quite the pooper. I forgot how often you need to change newborns diapers. He is a pretty good sleeper. At night he wakes up about every 3 hours and eats and then goes right back to sleep. He really is a great baby and usually is only cranky when he is hungry when he has gas. Can't believe that he is almost 3 weeks old. We love him so much.


Anna W said...

You have such a beautiful family! You'll have to update the very top picture of your blog soon :)

The Miguel Family said...

Yes we will. Once we get a family photo that looks decent it is going up.

The Lorenzen'z said...

squish. he is perfect!