I have been so unmotivated to post on the blog lately because I feel like all my days are mostly the same. We get up, go the gym, have some type of activity during the day (the pool, the park, the sand), we have naps, make dinner and pick Roland up. That is our day in a nutshell. I must admit that even though the basic format of our day stays the same there is always something new and exciting that happens. So here are some of our most exciting recent achievements. We will start with Liam:

He is almost all the way potty trained! What a champ! I just have to have faith now that he will actually tell me when he has to go. I am so proud of my little buddy. And like always he is always so courageous. Yesterday at the park he was jumping from really high and although he was giving me heart attack I am so happy that he is not scared of anything. He loves making friends. At the park he always picks out someone (usually girls) that he wants to be friends with. He follows them around, holds their hand and basically becomes their best friend for a few hours. His favorite sayings right now are " We ride the airplane?" (We are going to UT in a few weeks) and "Mommy/Daddy how is your day?" and then when we ask him how is day is going he says, " It is pretty good." We love you buddy. Now onto Landon

Landon has started taking steps! What a big boy. Well actually he is still pretty small so it looks a little funny to see him walking around, but we love it. He is pretty courageous too. He climbs up on everything and loves to pull books down from bookcase. He loves cars, balls and blocks. He also has learned how to use a sippy cup, and he is so cute when he tips it up to drink. His favorite food are bananas, sweet potatoes and bread. He loves to throw things off his tray while he is eating and looking at the food as it falls. We are so in love with our little boy, Landon.
As for the adults I have been thinking about training for another race possible and full marathon. I am not sure I am ready to commit to such an undertaking, but I am thinking about it. I have been really into reading lately and have been reading the Eragon series. I also got a new calling in church. I am a youth Sunday School teacher. I really excited!
And Roland is finishing up his semester. It has been super busy and he is ready for a break! He is going to be a 4th year dental student soon. Crazy! Well that is what he have been up to. Here are some more pictures of my cuties!
Just after waking up in the morning
It was raining outside so they decided to sit out on the patio with the umbrella
Silly face