So what's it like being the mother of two boys? Landon is cool, calm and happy most of the time. Liam has a lot of energy and will try anything. Absolutely anything. Sometimes I get a little tired, but most of the time my life is pretty awesome. I love hanging out with my boys.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Family Pictures
Our Stay-cation
After Roland finished with his 6 weeks in the clinic he had 4 weeks off. It was amazing. Besides the trips to New Hampshire and Utah and the end of the 4 weeks we mostly stated in Dallas. Our normal routine would be to get up, go running, go swimming and hang out with the boys. I got really spoiled because I got to run without the jogging stroller. One outing that was really fun was boating with the Andersons and Wilkinsons. It was so nice to get some relief from the heat. Roland and I wake boarded and Liam and I got to tube together. Liam really enjoyed the tubing. He didn't want it to stop. I was pretty proud that I got up on the wake board after the 3rd try. All in all it was so nice to have Roland home. It made it much easier for me and it is always nice to have quality family time.
We watched this boy get cuter and cuter
Went on many walks. Can you tell that TX is in a drought? Check out the grass.
1st time tuber
Mom, I'm not feeling so well. . .
Landon even joined in. Yes he is wearing a girls life jacket.
One of his many walks around the Village. Can you tell that anytime you go outside you melt? So glad it is getting cooler.
Poul Comes to Visit
Poul came to visit last week. It was awesome! It was just what I needed since Roland had started school again and I was a little stressed. I definitely needed the help and it is always nice to have your brother around. We did lots of fun stuff. We went swimming, Top Golf, made yummy dinners, went out to some great BBQ and went to a Red Sox game (more about that in a later post). The only complaint about the visit is that it was too short. We miss you Poul. Come back soon!
I just love this picture of Liam!
Top Golf! As you can see it was more fun for the adults than for Liam and Landon!
Liam giving Landon a kiss. Cuteness.
Reading stories before bed.
I love that they are both smiling!
We love you Uncle Poul!
3 months! What the what?
Landon is now 3 months. Actually this post is a little late so he is more like 3 1/2 months. How did this happen? The time is flying. Here are somethings he loves:
- His fingers (They are always in his mouth)
- His pacifier (Liam never took a pacifier and man that thing works wonders)
- His Mom and Dad
- His brother
- Bath time- I love how he kicks his legs and moves all around. He is so cute!
- His swaddle- He still loves to be swaddled before he goes to bed. It calms him down so fast.
- Talking/Laughing
Our little Landon is such a great baby. He is growing up way too fast. Just this afternoon he flipped from his tummy to his back three times in a row! So he really isn't a teeny-tiny infant anymore. We love you Landon!
Totally working the double chin
Landon already knows how to fold his arms
Chilling in the swing
His blessing outfit.
Tummy time for both Liam and Landon!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Our Little Runner!
Liam loves to run. Quite often he will be running around our apartment yelling, " I'm running, I'm running, I'm running." Whenever we take him for a "walk," he runs the whole way. And he is fast. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up. The other day he was trying on my running shoes and I just had to take a picture of our little runner.
Monday, August 22, 2011
At the beginning of August I made a surprise visit to New Hampshire to see my family. It was pretty much amazing. No one knew I was coming except for my twin brother Poul and it was so fun to see everyone. I have to say my mom and Gretchen had the best reactions. My mom was up at Girls Camp and Poul, Kirstin, Jimmy and I went up to surprise her. Jimmy's mom was at Girls Camp as well which was great because she was able to arrange everything. So we met Karen ( Jimmy's mom) at the entrance and walked to the fire pit where my mom was. Before my mom saw us Karen took Landon and handed him to my mom. My mom thought it was Lucy until she saw me and Jimmy holding Lucy. Then she exclaimed " Oh, this is Landon!" And because it was loud Landon started screaming and we were all crying. It was a great moment.
We surprised Gretchen at the airport a few days later. Poul and I made the trip to the airport and when Gretchen landed he kept saying "we are coming" instead of " I am coming." Gretchen wonder who we was and Poul said it was Peder. So when we got to the airport Poul went to the gate to meet her (and told her that Peder was in the bathroom). I waited near baggage claim. When they came down the steps it was awesome because Gretchen was distracted by her phone so I ran up and surprised her. She could not believe that I was there. She took my face in her hands and was said," How are you here?" Another wonderful moment.
This will definitely be a trip I will remember for a long time. And although it was short I was able to see my wonderful family and friends and just enjoy being in New Hampshire.

Mom with grandson (first time she met him)
Peder and Christy.
Some of the Great Grandparents
Cousins-Lucy and Landon are four days apart.
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