So this weekend was great for many reasons. The first being that my sister Gretchen came to town. She is driving across the country with her friend Tyrel and they made a stop in Dallas. They arrived late on Friday, stayed all day Saturday and left early this morning. Even though they only got to spend a day it was wonderful. I love having family come and visit.
The second reason this weekend was great was that some of my friends gave me a baby shower for Landon. It was a wonderful party with great food and wonderful friends. Thanks so much for everyone that came and for all your help with the new addition to our family.
The last reason it was a great weekend was testimony meeting today. I felt the Spirit and since I did not get up to bear my testimony I thought I would share it on my blog. First of all I know that Heavenly Father loves me. I have been a little anxious about Landon coming, but I know that I will not be alone and that Heavenly Father will help our family. I am grateful for my Savior and for the knowledge that I will live again with my family. I know the scriptures are true and I am grateful for how accessible they are to me. I am grateful for my family and for Roland taking care of Liam during sacrament meeting so that I can listen and feel the Spirit. So that is my simple testimony for today. Wonderful weekend!

The sisters! We knew the temple was closed due for cleaning, but Gretchen and
Tyrel wanted to see it. Oh and if you are wondering this is how I look when I am 38 weeks pregnant. Please do not zoom on the picture, my face is getting just a bit swollen.

Tyrel and Gretchen. So funny story Since it was closed it was gated, but guess who squeezed through? Yep that would be Liam. So Liam was running around inside the gated temple grounds. Luckily Roland tempted him back with his phone or we would have had to jump the fence. We couldn't stop laughing. Crazy kid.

After Liam's nap we went to White Rock Lake and tossed the frisbee around.

What a great weekend! If anyone has any desire to come to Dallas we love visitors!