Thursday, February 25, 2010
Our Photogenic Son
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dancing without music!
Liam really likes to dance, but usually it is only to music. The other day he pulled himself him up on his high chair and started rocking out without any music. It was really cute and we caught some of it on camera!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My baby is 9 months old today!
My baby is 9 months old! I don't know why but that seems pretty old to me, in terms of baby ages anyway. Liam is just a wonderful baby and I think he is getting cuter and cuter everyday. Here are some of his new accomplishments:
- He is starting to move around furniture. He stands up on it and then will take little baby steps around it. Sometime he tries to get from the coffee table to the couch, and depending on the gap between he will sometimes make it.
- He is sleeping for 12 hours a night (From 7 pm-7am) and sometimes we have to wake him up in the morning. It is glorious!
- He takes a morning and afternoon nap.
- He loves to dance! (There is a video at the end of him dancing) Whenever he hears a beat he starts to shake his head. It is so cute.
- He has 5 teeth (just got another top one) with more one the way (I think).
- He has started to eat mostly solid foods and his favorite food right now is bananas.
- He has a new really cheesy smile that he sometimes gives us. It is so cute and so very cheesy.
- He says ma-ma and da-da and I think he know who we are. I have noticed he says da-da more when he is around Roland and ma-ma more when he is around me.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tribute to My Mom: Happy Birthday a day late!

- She raised 7 kids! I still do not know how she did it all the time, but I love her for it. She loves all of us kids so much and has always wanted to best for us, and I think for the most part we turned out pretty good.
- She inspires me to do hard things. She made a goal to run a marathon by the time she was 40 and shortly after broke her leg in two places. Even with that setback she was able to complete her goal of running a marathon! You are amazing!
- She loves to be outside. I have always loved the outdoors and I think I got this love from my mom. She appreciates the beauty of nature and has always loved going on hikes and just enjoying nature.
- She supports us kids in all that we do. I have always felt the support of my mom (and dad) in getting my education and all the other good things I have wanted to do.
- She always has a listening ear. I call my mom at least once a week and we are always able to have the best conversations. She really listens to me and gives me the support and advice that I need.
- She is a hard worker. All growing up I would see my mom working hard. Whether it was doing laundry, working in the garden or just driving all us kids around she was always working hard for us.
- She is involved in her community. This is one thing I really love about my mom. She gets involved in things that are happening around her, and makes sure she helps out.
- She is caring and thoughtful. I remember growing up I would often find little notes from my mom telling my how much she cared about me. I love how caring she is.
- My mom loves to serve others. My mom really looks around and sees if anyone needs service. She is quick to serve and help and I love that about her.
- She loves being a Grandma! I don't think I will really understand until I am Grandma, the love that a grandparent feels for a grandchild, but I know my mom loves Liam so much. She has helped my so much these first 8 months of Liam's life. I love that we were able to visit for Christmas and over the summer and I know that my mom cherishes the time that she can spend with Liam.
Well those are 10 things I love about my Mom, and the list could go on and on. Mom, I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday! I love you!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Not much going on here in Dallas
Sorry for the lack of posts, but like the title of this post there is not much going on. Just the same old stuff. Roland is in school and Liam and I get to hang out together during the day. Last week the flu bug hit and hit hard. Liam was the first to get sick, then I got it, followed by Roland. It made for a weekend of drinking ginger ale and watching Lost. It was a little scary as a first time mom to see Liam so sick. He was coming out of both ends if you know what I mean, and although he is much better now, it was hard to see him so weak. It was nice to get some snuggling in though. He was so sick he would just sit with me (and his blankie) and snuggle on the couch. He doesn't really like to snuggle much when he is not sick, so that was one upside.
In other news I am trying to find another race to run and get motivated for, but it is really hard to find a race that is not on Sunday! I will keep looking.
I have redecorated some stuff in our apartment. I moved the bookcases yesterday because I thought they would look better, and I think they do, but I don't know why I wasn't happy with where they were before. They didn't look bad, I just wanted them somewhere else. I don't know if I will ever be truly content with how my apartment looks, but I hope someday I will.
Well, for not much going on I have found quite a lot to blog about. To end out this post right here are some pictures of my adorable son!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Texas Half
My half marathon, The Texas Half, was last Saturday, January 30th. It came up pretty fast, but I felt ready to run. It was COLD! The weather had been really nice up until a few days before the marathon and then the day of a cold front came through. It probably was about 20 degrees and windy. Before the race I warmed up though, and I felt really good and confident. Then the race started and for the first 7 miles I felt great. I was keeping my pace (9 minute miles) and all felt really good. After 7 miles I kind of lost it. I didn't have any energy and I just kept getting slower. The course went around a lake, which is about 10 miles (White Rock Lake) and then past the start and then turned around and came back for the finish. The whole race the wind was with us. But that last mile when we turned around the wind was against us and I swear it got colder as the morning wore on. I didn't reach my goal time of under 2 hours but I finished, which I was excited about. My time was 2:10:15, so there is definitely room for improvement, and I have decided to train for another half marathon in the spring. I haven't decided which one yet, but I am excited to train and hopefully improve my time a bit. I would like to thank all the people the supported me in running the half marathon especially Liam and Roland. Liam was my running partner most mornings and he really was such a good sport about sitting in the stroller for so long. Roland helped motivate me to get out and run on those days I just didn't feel like it and watched Liam on my long Saturday runs. Sorry this was such along post, but I guess I had a lot to write about. Again thank you all for all of your support. I couldn't have done it without you!
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