This is our last New Hampshire post. We did so many fun things in New Hampshire, but most of our time was spent hanging out with my family. I love vacations were there is down time and you can just relax. It was nice to be able to spend time with family and just live with them if that makes sense. During the hanging out times were were able to take some pretty cute and memorable pictures of Liam. Hope you enjoy.
One of the last nights we were there he was posing in the bathtub. This picture makes me laugh because he is covering all the right places while he poses.
Friday, January 22, 2010
New Hampshire-Part 7:Hanging out and cute pictures
New Hampshire- Part 6: Snow!
Living in Dallas we have not seen much snow this winter, so it was nice to go to New Hampshrie where there is a plethora of it. One of the last days we were in New Hampshire we braved the cold and exposed Liam to the white stuff. Although we were not outside for long he seemed to like it. He even posed for some pictures. 

Monday, January 18, 2010
8 months
I will continue the New Hampshire posts eventually, but I realized that Liam is 8 months today. So, I thought I would update you on all that he is doing.
- He is a very social baby. He loves to be around people and give them his wonderful smile
- He is pulling himself up on everything! He doesn't really get gravity yet, so he will pull himself up, then let go of one hand, balance himself, let go of the other hand, and then fall. I'm sure he will be walking in no time.
- He has 4 teeth. He really got his 2 front teeth for Christmas!
- He dances when there is music on with a nice beat
- He loves his spoon. After we are done feeding him rice cereal he loves to chew on it and bang it on the table.
- At his last check up he weighed 19 lbs 11 ounces and was 28 inches long
- He loves pulling hair! So if you are ever holding him beware!
- He has turned into a mama's boy. If Roland is holding him and he sees me he starts to whine until I hold him.
- Basically he is the best baby in the whole world and we love him!
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Hampshire- Part 5: Night Sledding
Not only were we able to see my family, we were fortunate enough to see Adrian as well. He flew into Boston so we picked him up and he stayed with us for one night. It was so nice to see him, and go to MIT and see his dorm and where he goes to school. It was snowing, so we all decided to go night sledding. Once we found enough snow gear and sleds we headed out. It was really really cold, but really fun. 
New Hampshire: Part 4- Extended family dinner on the 26th
The day after Christmas all the Schillemats got together for a family dinner at the chapel. The chapel is newly renovated so it was nice to be able to eat there and the boys enjoyed playing basketball after the meal. Liam enjoyed being able to crawl around on the carpet. I love going to New Hampshire and being able to see family that I don't see to often. It was a nice afternoon. 

New Hampshire: Part 3- Christmas!
Liam's first Christmas was great. It started with everyone waking up and opening their stockings. Then our family had a wonderful waffle breakfast. It was so yummy. Then it was time to open presents. Liam loved it! He did not really open his presents, but he loved playing with the wrapping paper. Liam really got some great stuff. (And so did we of course). After opening presents we got ready for our Christmas feast as a family. It was a nice relaxing Christmas and we were able to spend a lot of time together as a family. 
The opening of the presents! 
I'm not really sure what happened, but we have a few diaper pictures. Liam loves being in a just a diaper (and being without a diaper aka naked!)
Sleeping with Aunt Johanna and Aunt Gretchen. Liam got pretty spoiled over the vacation because everyone wanted Liam to fall asleep with them. I usually just put him in the crib and let him fall asleep on his own (cry himself to sleep), so when we got back to Dallas I have had to get him back in the habit.

Family Dinner!
NH: Part 2- Christmas Eve
For Christmas Eve in the Schillemat Family it is a tradition to go up to our grandparents house and have grinders(a.k.a. subs). It is always a fun family get together where we sing Christmas carols and just have fun being together. Liam begin the only grand child was the center of attention at this gathering. When we get home we get to open one present and read the Christmas story. I think it is really nice way to get excited for Christmas.
Another tradition is all the grandkids sitting on these stairs. I have no clue when this tradition was started, but it is fun. Due to lack of space Roland and I did not fit on the stairs this year.
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