Thanksgiving was AWESOME! We went to New Hampshire to visit my family and had so much fun. The only downside is that we were only there for a week and it went so so fast. I had not had Thanksgiving with my family since high school so it was a treat to be able to spend the holiday in my hometown. I was also able to visit wonderful friends that I had not seen in a while so it was great. Let me just warn you I was horrible at taking pictures. I would have like to take pictures of the Thanksgiving feast and everyone that was there, but I think I was just enjoying it too much and forgot to get some pictures. But the meal was great. Everyone pitched in and made it a very enjoyable and yummy day. What can I say I always love visiting family and friends and right when I leave I want to go back again. It was a great break from my normal life, and I am so thankful we were able to make the trip.

We cut Liam's hair for the first time in NH! It was getting really long. But I do miss his curls. This is before the hair cut. And,

This is after. I think he looks a little less like a baby now and more like a big boy.

On Tuesday we made a trip down to Boston to pick up Roland's brother Adrian at MIT. He then had Thanksgiving with us too which was a bonus! We took a lot of pictures while we were exploring MIT.

It was really cold in New Hampshire. I think I am growing soft here in Dallas. Liam didn't like the cold much either.

Grandma and Grandson

My family's new dog Bailey. I was a little nervous at first, but Liam and Bailey became best friends. Liam loved to pet him and Bailey liked to try and steal Liam's food.

Plane ride back to Dallas. Liam was able to get his own seat which was amazing because he was comfortable and slept. So did his parents:)