At Zion's we picked up our permits and checked the weather. No problems at the moment, we'd decide again after Keyhole. This being my third time going through Keyhole, I led our team up a steep rock mountainside. The mountain is right next to the road. This is our view from the top.

Nate's swim
Nate enjoying his refreshing swim

Classic hardcore canyoneer faces
Off rappel
Dustin stemming his way through this narrow canal to avoid swimming
Nate continuing through the slot

Our triumphant exit
On our way to the car, we noticed the clouds brewing so we checked with the ranger one more time back at the visitor's center and decided we wouldn't risk going through Pine Creek with the potential for a flash flood. A shorter than expected trip but it was still lots of fun. Thanks guys.
Sorry there aren't any photos of me. I'll try to get some from Nate and Dustin.